Hassan Alipour

PhD Student

Hassan received his master’s degree in Energy Engineering from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. His research interests are focused on first-principles calculations of materials for energy conversion. He joined the Inverse Material Design group at ENSEMBLE³ in November 2022, where he is working on defects physics in degenerate gapped materials.

Hassan Alipour

Group Members


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Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.

01-919  Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.

NIP 1182211096

KRS 0000858669 

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Photonic Elements
Photonic Elements

The Next-Generation Energy Group led by prof. dr. Atsushi Nagai should provide the synthesis and characterization of novel porous materials as mainly covalent organic frameworks (COFs) and conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) and their application of gas storage, battery, and fuel cell performance, in which is next-generation energy system, responsible for solving the environment-related issues that results from the consumptions of fossil fuel over the world.

 Our group is responsible for the development of porous organic materials in the direction of energy storage applications over the world, and will be undertaken by state-of-the-art organic/polymer synthetic approach.


Mainly, covalent organic frameworks (COFs), in which building blocks are precisely integrated intro extended strictures with periodic skeletons and ordered pores, have some distinctive advantages. The unique topological diagram directs the growth of the frameworks in a predictable manner, and the geometry and dimensions of the building blocks govern stacked via p-p interactions to form layered structures with a well-defined alignment of p building units to their atomic layers and segregated arrays of p columns. In such arrays, the interlayered covalent bonds lock the frameworks whereas interlayer noncovalent interaction controls the stability.


Thus, various COFs can be achieved features of 2D COFs, with confined spaces in controllable 1D nanochannels, offer the possibility to trigger interactions with excitons, electrons, holes, spin, ion, and molecules. By this means, 2D COFs exhibit unique properties and functions with outstanding applicability in semiconductors, gas adsorption (targets: CO2 and H2 gasses), fuel cell (targets: alkali and proton conduction), battery (targets: lithium and Sodium batteries), solid-state photonics (luminescence, charge-transfer (CT) complex, up-conversion), energy conversion and storage. Moreover, conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) materials, which will be also developed for the first time at our Ensemble3. the preparation of CMPs based on rich-electronic conjugated backbones could imply the development of stable solid-state materials with gas storage, optoelectronic, and photochemical applications. CMPs based on exclusively aromatic builder units, are especially remarkable and still more robust and stable than conventional COFs, maintaining intrinsic electron-rich structure, and capability to be functionalized and high porosity.



1. Synthesis, characterization, and the properties of novel porous materials

2. Application for energy storage (e.g., hydrogen gas storage, semiconductor, supercapacitor, battery, fuel cell, and so on)

3. Solid-state photonics (e.g., luminescence, near-infrared absorption, up-conversion, charge-transfer complex, and so on)

Prof. Atsushi Nagai

Group Leader

Prof. Atsushi Nagai have got Doctor of Engineering (Ph.D) in the Material science and energy engineering, the graduate school of science and engineering at Yamagata University in Japan (2005). Then, he has more than 10 years of total professor experience as an assistant, visiting, and associate professors at Kyoto University (from 2008 to 2010), Institute for Molecular Science (IMS, from 2010 to 2017) University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW, from 2014 to 2015), Techinical University of Delft (TU Delft, from 2017 to 2020) and Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT, from 2021 to 2022), respectively. He has published more than 70 papers, 6 patents and 5 book chapters and edited 2 books as well as a textbook; “Conjugated Objects: Developments, Synthesis, and Applications” and as a handbook; “Covalent Organic Frameworks”. Now he is writing third book “Conjugated Microporous Polymers” as a handbook. Therefore, he has over 5600 citations in Web of Science database (H index =34) and google scholar (H index =35).

Prof. Dr. Atsushi Nagai

Dr. Arthisree Devendran

Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD from Vellore Institute of Technology, 
Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.

Research Interest: Carbon nanomaterials, Graphene Quantum dots, Porous Graphene materials, Conducting polymers, Polymer nanocomposite films, Electrical and Electrochemical studies, Energy storage systems, Supercapacitor & Battery applications.  

Dr. Arthisree Devendran

Dr. Mozhgan Shahmirzaee

Postdoctoral Fellow

Mozhgan Shahmirzaee, PhD is specialized in the fields of Nanomaterials and porous materials, MOFs, advanced materials, semiconductors, and different materials characterizations. She obtained her PhD degree in Nanomaterials-Nanotechnology, at the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (SBUK), Iran. Her PhD thesis was in collaboration with University of Calgary (Canada). She has worked with industrial projects and has had long teaching experience in nanomaterials courses and materials analysis equipment. During her studies, She carried out research at different research groups in Iran and has seen many young professionals. She is the author/co-author of several papers in international journals.

Dr. Mozhgan Shahmirzaee

Dr. Eng. Tomasz Polczyk

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tomasz Polczyk received his PhD in energetics field, his thesis was about solid state battery. Afterwards he work in Krakow Institute of Technology at the Centre of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in R&D position. His recent research interest include materials science, battery materials, solid state electrolytes and electrochemistry.

Dr Eng. Tomasz Polczyk

Dr. Jakub Ostapko

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Jakub Ostapko is specialized in the preparation of functional semiconducting materials. He owns a PhD from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. His previous research interest comprised the synthesis and characterization of macrocyclic aromatic organic molecules. After the graduation he carried out the research in the R&D institutions. His current interest is focused on the functional Covalent Organic Frameworks, which properties are governed by the presence of the donor-acceptor structural motif.

Dr. Jakub Ostapko

Dr. Joseph Vellaichamy

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Joseph Vellaichamy received his PhD degree in Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, in 2018. Then, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at National Central University, Taiwan. In August 2022, he joined the Next-Generation Energy System group at Ensemble 3. His current research encompasses the development of covalent organic frameworks for hydrogen storage and fuel cell applications.   

Dr. Joseph Vellaichamy
Sandhya Sharma

Sandhya Sharma

PHD Student

Sandhya Sharma is currently a PhD student in the Solar Energy Conversion group. She has done her Bachelor’s from Delhi University, India and received her Master's degree in Chemistry from Siegen University, Germany with a thesis that was focused on a novel material for thermochemical heat storage and conversion.

Dr. Mateusz Wlazło

Dr. Mateusz Wlazło

Postdoctoral Fellow

Mateusz received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of Warsaw in 2018. Before joining ENSEMBLE³ in July 2022, he carried out industrial research in thin film photovoltaic technology. Currently, Mateusz is working on a computational description of metal-insulator transition in quantum materials.

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Zeeshan 

Postdoctoral Fellow

Obtained his PhD degree at NWPU Xi’an China (2021). He worked in several projects during his doctoral research focusing two-dimensional electron gas. He has good grasp in exploring structural, optical, and magnetic properties of materials. Presently he is working on the studies of eutectic based photochemical devices as post-doctoral researcher.

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Zeeshan