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Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.

01-919  Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.

NIP 1182211096

KRS 0000858669 

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Oxide Single Crystals
Oxide Single Crystals

AIIIBV Compound Semiconductors  Group

This group will be responsible for developing single crystal AIIIBV compound semiconductor materials towards novel optoelectronic applications. The group will develop and explore novel single crystals and technologies for their fabrication, as well as collaborate on the use of known materials for new applications.


Of particular interest would be applications in lighting, telecommunications, nonlinear optics, THz sources, frequency conversion, and others.


The Centre's expertise is based on Łukasiewicz-IMiF's more than 30 years of experience in the technology of AIIIBV compounds, including synthesis, monocrystallization, mechanical processing and characterization.


Our high-purity and high-quality materials meet world standards. In this field, we carry out:

  • Research and development of manufacturing processes for single crystals and alloys.
  • Studies of the properties (electrical, structural, optical) and purity of semiconductor materials
  • Production of materials such as GaAs, InAs, GaP, GaP, InP, GaSb, InSb and other special alloys of very high purity on a small scale
  • Development of fabrication methods for thermoelectric materials, topological insulators and materials for spintronics.