Dr.  Mathias Boström

Senior Researcher


Mathias Boström received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Linköpings Universitet, Sweden (2000) on quantum vacuum fluctuation-induced Casimir and Casimir-Polder interactions. After his Ph.D., he was employed as a postdoctoral researcher at Australian National University, expanding his knowledge on specific ion effects in colloidal sciences and biology. He then went back to Europe with his own grant from Swedish Research Council that supported him as a research assistant (corresponding to Assisting Professor) at Linköping University, and later did a postdoc at the University of Regensburg. He has been invited as visiting researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and as visiting Professor at the University of Cagliari (Italy). He has worked as a senior researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Within two Norwegian FRIPRO projects, he was employed in periods at the University of Oslo (Norway) and NTNU (Trondheim, Norway). He recently joined the Center for excellence ENSEMBLE3 in Warszawa as a senior researcher.

He has collaborated with researchers from many countries (and different research fields ranging from theoretical physics, colloid chemistry, chemical engineering, and material science), including from Sweden, Norway, Australia, China, India, Italy, Germany, France, USA, and Brazil. As listed on Scopus, he published more than 114 articles or book chapters with 4366 citations and h-index of 32.


Read more: Applied Casimir Theory: from Mesons to Environmental Effects

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Dr.  Jacek Gościniak

Senior Researcher


Jacek Gościniak received his PhD in physics from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Prof. Bozhevlnyi's group, specialising in plasmonics.
After receiving his PhD, he continued his work at SDU as a junior researcher before moving to the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) 
He is a recipient of a European Marie Curie Research Fellowship, which enabled him to conduct independent research at Tyndall National Institute (TNI).
He then continued his research at New York University in Abu Dhabi as a senior researcher. 

He joined ENSEMBLE³as a Senior Researcher in January 2022.
Earlier in his research career, he also completed a one and a half year internship at Spectra-Physics, Newport Corporation (USA) and worked at Macquarie University in Australia.

Currently, his main research interests are in plasmonics and nanophotonics and their applications in information transfer systems and neuromorphic computing.

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Professor  Elena Voloshina

Senior Researcher


Elena Voloshina received her PhD in Chemistry from Rostov State University, Russia (2001). She was employed as a research associate at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2002-2004), Max Planck Institute for the physics of complex systems in Dresden, Germany (2004-2008), Free University of Berlin, Germany (2008-2012) and Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany (2013-2017). Since 2017, she has been a Professor of Physics at Shanghai University, P. R. China. Since June 2021, she is also a Senior Researcher at the E3 Centre of Excellence.


Her research interests lie in the field of computational materials science, solid-sate physics, and surface science. Her present research is focused on discovering new 2D materials and heterostructures, exploring their unique characteristics, and search for routes to rationally control and tune their properties in order to meet the requirements of specific applications.

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Dr.  Teresa Gatti

Senior Researcher


Teresa Gatti holds a master degree in Chemistry from the University of Bologna, Italy (2008) and a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2014). After postdoctoral activities at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova (Italy), since 2019 she is a Junior Research Group Leader at the Center for Materials Research of the Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany). Since January 2022, she is also an affiliated Senior Researcher at the E3 Centre of Excellence.

She is recipient of the ERC Starting Grant 2021 project JANUS BI. In this project, she will pioneer a method for the synthesis of Janus 2D materials working completely in the liquid phase, by exploiting the liquid-phase exfoliation of layered materials and concepts deriving from asymmetric organic synthesis. The highly asymmetric nanomaterials will be employed for light-energy conversion applications such as photovoltaics and photocatalysis.

Teresa Gatti is also Principal Investigator and WP leader in the H2020 FET-Proactive project LIGHT-CAP. This project targets the realization of photo-capacitors and photo-batteries where the active species are low-dimensional materials (0D nanocrystals and 2D materials).

Dr. Gatti´s research interests cover the production, processing and application in optoelectronic devices of different emerging semiconducting materials, with special attention to species based on non-critical elements and featuring low-environmental impact.


Dr.  Teresa Gatti


Dr hab. Janusz Sadowski

Senior Researcher


Read more about dr Sadowski research

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Dr. Oleksandr I. Malyi

Senior Researcher


Dr. Oleksandr Malyi received his Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University (2013) under the supervision of Prof. Zhong Chen. Following his Ph.D., he was a postdoc /researcher /research associate in Singapore (Prof. Xiaodong Chen’s group and Prof. Sergei Manzhos’s group), Norway (Prof. Clas Persson’s group), and USA (Prof. Alex Zunger’s group).

From July 2022 to December 2023, he was a group leader for the Inverse Materials Design group at Ensemble3 Center of Excellence. Since January 2024, he has been in the mentor position of the Polonez Bis project at Ensemble3 Center of Excellence.

Dr. Malyi's research results have been published in 94 papers in leading international journals, including Chemical Reviews, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, Matter, Science Advances, Small, and Physical Review Letters. His work has been cited over 3,650 times, leading to an h-index of 34. Over his career, Dr. Malyi has received various awards and grants, including a prestigious SINGA scholarship for Ph.D. education at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (he successfully completed his Ph.D. at the age of 25). He also managed three European supercomputer grants and was a Management Committee Substitute for Norway in the European COST action MP1406.

Dr. Malyi was an applicant/co-applicant/mentor/team member on several research grants funded by the Research Council of Norway and the National Science Center of Poland that received over 5 million Euros (according to 2024 exchange rates), including for a recently recommended funding 3rd Polish-Chinese bilateral National Centre for Research and Development grant (1.1MEURO funding with 0.5MEuro for a Polish institution) with Dr. Malyi as the principal investigator for the Polish side and 250kEURO for the Polonez Bis III co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND grant (No. 2022/47/P/ST3/01236) with Dr. Malyi as a project mentor and Dr. Mathias Boström as the principal investigator.

His main research contributions are in the field of inverse design of “real” materials, including (i) developing a polymorphous theory of quantum materials, (ii) developing a doping theory of quantum materials, and (iii) developing the novel concept to design transparent conductors.

Dr. Malyi is a referee for a range of international journals, including Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, Nature Communications. Advanced Science, Matter, Physical Review Letters.

Dr.  Teresa Gatti
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Professor Serhii Lakyza 

Senior Researcher


Serhii Lakyza receiver his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from Lviv State University, Ukraine (1978), Dr. Sci. in Physical Chemistry from Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine (2009). He was employed as Invited Professor at Ecole Nationale Scientific Ceramices Industrielle, Limoges, France (2003), Max Plank Institut fur Metallforschung, PML, Stuttgart, Germany (2004, 2006), TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaft. Freiberg, Germany (2009), Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Chinees Academy of Sciences, P. R. China (2019). From 2009 he is a Leading Scientist in Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences NAS of Ukraine. He is also a Senior Researcher at the ENSEMBLE³ Centre of Excellence, Warsaw, Poland. 

His researcher interests are in the field of interaction in the multicomponent systems including oxides, nitrides, carbides, metals and non-metals. Constructing and analysis of multicomponent phase diagrams. Multicomponent eutectics. Crystal growth. DTA, X-ray, microstructure analysis, directional solidification, powders, solid state and chemical methods, thermal barrier coatings.

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Professor  Vincenzo Giannini

Senior Researcher


Prof. Vincenzo Giannini’s scientific interests rely on theoretical light-matter interactions theoretical linear and nonlinear Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, and Metamaterials. He graduated in Physics from the University of Pisa. Subsequently moved to Spain for a Ph.D. program in Madrid at the Spanish research council (CSIC). The story followed with a postdoc in Amsterdam and a Marie Curie fellowship at the Imperial College London. In June 2014, He started his group at the Imperial College London in the Condensed Matter Theory section, followed by an offer in Spain at the CSIC and finally here at TII.




When light interacts with metal nanoparticles, its conduction electrons can be driven by the incident electric field in collective oscillations known as localized surface plasmon resonances. Plasmonics studies these excitations. Surface plasmons can concentrate or to guide light at the nanometer scale and below the diffraction limit. For this reason, they are extremely relevant in nanophotonic applications as well as in the physics processes where molecules, quantum dots or more generally emitters interact with nanoantennas.​



​Topological insulators are practically the last major surprise in condensed matter physics. They represent a new class of material that we have just discovered. In these materials, the concept of topology plays a fundamental role. For example, they present topological superficial conductive states despite the fact that their bulk is an insulator. Protected states it means that some magnitudes as the electron current can flow only in a particular direction otherwise, it will break time-reversal symmetry. We want to explore how to control 2D directional electron current with light.



Metamaterial is a material which gains its properties from its structure rather than directly from its material composition. Within the context of photonics, such compounds are engineered composites that exhibit superior, designed properties that are not found in nature and not observed in the constituent materials. They have demonstrated many intriguing properties and applications for control over electromagnetic waves such as negative refraction, superlensing, cloaking devices and they have inspired optical nanocircuits, i.e. circuits with nanometric dimension where the signal is the light.

Dr.  Elena Voloshina

Professor  Andriy Gusak 

Senior Researcher

Andriy Gusak holds a specialist Degree in Physics from the Moscow State University (USSR, 1976). He was a post-graduate student in the Insitute of Metallurgy (Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1978-1982) and got his PhD degree (Candidate of Sciences, Solid State Physics) from the Institute of Metal Physics (Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1983). Topic of PhD thesis – theory of diffusion in bimetallic layers. He has got his habilitation (Doctor of Sciences, Solid State physics) from Kharkiv University (Ukraine, 1992). (Topic of D.Sc. Thesis - theory of interdiffusion, reactive diffusion and phase competition in small-grained systems). A.G. belongs to the school of prominent Soviet (Ukrainian and Russian) academician Bogolyubov.  His supervisor, prof. Gurov, was a state-of-art specialist in kinetic theory and  had been a PhD student of Bogolyubov).

Since 1994, he was a PI of various international and Ukrainian projects, starting from long-term grant of International Science Foundation, and including INTAS, CRDF, Ukrainian-French, Ukrainian-German, Ukrainian-Russian, Ukrainian-Polish projects. In 2014-2019 he was a leader of Ukrainian team of the European project EXMONAN (Experimental investigation and modelling of nanoscale solid state reactions with high technological impact), (Poland-Ukraine-Hungary-Switzerland-France-Australia) in the frame of  Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme under Grant No. 612552

Since 1996 he is a Honoured worker of science and technology of Ukraine (Award of the President of Ukraine). In 1993 - Award of American Physical Society for scientists of former Soviet Union. Substantial part of his research results was obtained during his numerous productive science visits to universities of Los Angeles, Grenoble, Singapore, Hsinchu (Taiwan), Marseille, Dijon, Debrecen, Krakow, Goettingen, Muenster, Stuttgart, Haifa, Eindhoven,  

 Area of expertise: Theory and models of interdiffusion and reactive diffusion in binary and multicomponent multiphase alloys, kinetics of solid-state reactions (in particular soldering kinetics, SHS kinetics), nucleation, growth and coarsening in open nanosystems, electromigration, thermomigration, thermodynamic approach to failure analysis. 

Main monographs:
1. A.M.Gusak et al Diffusion-controlled Solid State Reactions: in Alloys, Thin-Films, and Nanosystems, Wiley-VCH, Berlin-Weinheim, 2010. 
2. 2. K.N.Tu, A.M.Gusak “Kinetics of Nanomaterials”, Wiley (Hoboken, USA), 2014. 


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Dr.  Elena Voloshina