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Functional Materials Technology Group
Optical Nanocharacterization Group
Inverse Materials Design Group
Next-Generation Energy Systems Group
Biophotonic Applications Group
Solar Energy Conversion Group
Oxide Single Crystals Group
A3B5 Compound Semiconductors Group
Functional Materials Laboratory
Oxide Single Crystals Laboratory
Materials Characterization Laboratory
III-V Compound Semiconductors Laboratory
Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.
01-919 Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.
NIP 1182211096
KRS 0000858669
The conference focuses on leading edge research on Optical Wireless Communication in its different forms and gathers experts from academia and industry to show their latest technical results and showcase their products and services. The application scope is broad.
Conference topics cover visible light communication, infrared optical and ultraviolet communication. These different forms of OWC can potentially be employed in a diverse range of communication applications ranging from optical interconnects within integrated circuits through outdoor inter-building links to free-space satellite communications.
The following topics will be covered during the conference:
Ultra-short range: for instance chip-to-chip communications in stacked and closely packed multi-chip packages
Short range: For instance wireless personal area network (WPAN) applications under standard IEEE 802.15.7 and underwater communications.
Medium range: indoor IR and visible light communications (VLC) for wireless local area networks (WLANs) and inter-vehicular and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications.
Long range: inter-building connections, also called free-space optical communications (FSO).
Ultra-long range: Laser communication in space especially for inter-satellite links and establishment of satellite constellations
If you are interested to present your paper, go to the call for paper page for registration of your submission. If you have questions about the content, please contact the organisation committee.
EXTENDED Deadline for paper submission – 25 September 2022
Author notification – 7 October 2022
OWC Conference – 10 November 2022
Who should attend:
Researchers in the field of:
Business Development, Innovation staff and management of
For more information, visit the event's website at https://www.owcconference.com/.