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08 November 2018

On September 27th German Research Foundation (DFG) announced the list of projects that will be funded within the Excellence Strategy by the German Federal and State Governments.One of the project advanced partners KIT is successful with two Clusters of Excellence! One of those clusters is represented by prof. Martin Wegener who was directly involved in creation of the strategy of ENSEMBLE³ Centre of Excellence. We sincerely congratulate this success!


The “3D Matter Made to Order” Cluster of Excellence of KIT and Heidelberg University pursues a highly interdisciplinary approach combining natural and engineering sciences. The Cluster concentrates on three-dimensional additive manufacturing techniques, from the molecular level to macroscopic dimensions. Its vision is the ultimate digitization of 3D manufacturing and material processing. These methods are to be used to produce components and systems by nanoprinting at maximum process speed and resolution for novel applications in materials and life sciences. The Cluster will also receive funding from the Carl Zeiss Foundation.

