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Near-field Optical Nanoscopy Summer School

16 June 2023

📣 The first Near-field Optical Nanoscopy Summer School held in San Sebastian, Spain, organized by Rainer Hillenbrand, Monika Goikoetxea of CIC nanoGUNE - our outstanding project partner in Teaming for Excellence, Dorota A. Pawlak of ENSEMBLE3, and Adrian Cernescu, was truly exceptional.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the community experts and neaspec team members who delivered excellent tutorials and shared their expertise with us. Their contributions were invaluable.


Throughout the captivating four-day event, participants delved into an extensive array of captivating topics, including:

🔬 Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 🔬Advanced AFM modes - Introduction to scattering-type Scanning Near 🔬Field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) 🔬Pseudo-heterodyne (PsHet) interferometric detection in s-SNOM 🔬PsHet interferometric Point Spectroscopy with s-SNOM 🔬 AFM and s-SNOM Data Processing using Gwyddion - 🔬Near-Field Probing Phenomena - nano-FTIR Spectroscopy 🔬 nano-FTIR Data Processing 🔬 Modeling of Near-field Optical Contrast and Spectra 🔬 Material Contrasts in s-SNOM and nano-FTIR 🔬 Photoinduced Forces and Photothermal Expansion 🔬 Practical Aspects using neaSCOPE Instruments 🔬 Plasmon and Phonon Polariton mapping in 2D Materials 🔬 Near-field Photocurrent Mapping 🔬 Ultrafast Pump-Probe Nanoscopy - Near-field Imaging of Plasmonic and Dielectric Antennas and Waveguides

The knowledge and insights we gained from these sessions were truly enlightening. We also had the opportunity to tour the labs.

Thank you again to Neaspec for organizing this exceptional summer school and for giving us the opportunity to participate in this incredible learning journey.