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Microelectronics, Electronics, and Photonics Cluster Council meeting

11 February 2024

The Microelectronics, Electronics, and Photonics Cluster Council meeting, hosted by Dorota A. Pawlak, took place at our premises as ENSEMBLE3 is a founding member of the Cluster.


During their first meeting members of the Microelectronics, Electronics, and Photonics Cluster Council unanimously elected Anna Szerling from the Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics as the Chair of the Council. The Council also approved Maciej J. Nowakowski from PPTF for the position of Cluster Director.


More than half of the members participated in the survey regarding the abbreviated name of the Cluster. Considering the survey results, the Council approved the usage of the name that received the highest number of votes: microEPC (micro Electronics and Photonics Cluster).