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Meeting at Sapienza University of Rome

08 June 2018

On April 12th the ENSEMBLE³ partners met again. This time the meeting was hosted by the Sapienza University of Rome. The meeting continued till April 13th. During this meeting, important organizational issues and the business model of the new Centre of Excellence were discussed.  


The meeting allowed all the partners to forge the legal and organizational structure of ENSEMBLE³. Thanks to their input, the new research centre will be able to strive for excellence at the very beginning of its operation. That is because the strategic partners’ contributions to the discussion allowed the centre to be structured in such a way that it would be friendly for both researchers and entrepreneurs.


Participants of the meeting starting from the left:Marta Sosnowska (UW), dr. Gerhard Goldbeck, Stefanie Peer (KIT), prof. Martin Wegener (KIT), Mariusz Kolwas (UW), prof. Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE), prof. Concita Sibilia (Sapienza), prof. Dorota A. Pawlak (UW&ITME), dr. Krzysztof Jakubczak (UW), prof. Jose M. Pitarke (CIC nanoGUNE), Jan Osiński (NCBR), dr. Alessandro Belardini (Sapienza), Agnieszka Szamowicz (NCBR), Konrad Wysmułek (ITME), prof. Roberto Li Voti (Sapienza)