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Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.
01-919 Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.
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From July 12 to August 16, 2022, the call for applications for this year's edition of the Mazovia Innovator Contest will be open. You can apply in one of two categories: Innovative Company or Innovative Scientist. The prize money totals PLN 113,000, with three cash prizes in each category, as well as honorable mentions and prizes from partners.
In addition to the possibility of winning cash and non-cash prizes, participation in the contest is a great opportunity to reach a wide audience and get acquainted with other innovative solutions from the Mazovia region.
Can your company participate in the contest?
If you are a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise registered and operating in Mazowieckie Voivodeship and have introduced an innovative product, service or technology into your daily practice after January 1, 2019, you do not need to think any further, you can simply apply.
Or maybe you are the innovative scientist?
If you have already completed your PhD or obtained a PhD after January 1, 2018, your dissertation was prepared or defended in a scientific institution in Mazowieckie Voivodeship, and the topic is innovative solutions applied in business practice or well implementable, then we are just waiting for you! Why is it worth taking part in the competition?
Financial rewards, recognition, the opportunity to make far-reaching business contacts and establish cooperation between the world of science, business and the local government of Mazowieckie Voivodeship are the opportunities offered by participation in the competition. Each of these opportunities can be the key to the success of your innovation.
Take the chance to present your solution and become an innovator of Mazovia!
Applications are only open until August 16! More about the contest: https://innowacyjni.mazovia.pl/dzialania/innowator-mazowsza/xiv-edycja-konkursu.html