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Liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) Growth System

27 August 2022

These are Mark IV pullers for crystallization of AIIIBV group semiconducting compounds such as phosphides, antimonides or arsenides (i.e. GaP, InP, GaSb, GaAs, InAs), using the Liquid-encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) method. High-pressure LEC pullers (up to 100 bar) allow growth of crystals up to 4” in diameter and about 30 cm in length. The furnace has a resistive heating system with temperatures up to 1800˚C applying a multi-heater system consisting of three graphite heaters. All the crystallization processes are controlled by a diameter control system. Quartz or pBN (pyrolytic boron nitride) crucibles from 4” to 8” in diameter can be used. In the device, the integrated process of in-situ synthesis and crystallization can be performed for GaAs or InAs materials. 
