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Invitation to a meeting with Nobel Prize winners at AstroCeNT

09 February 2023

On behalf of the organisers: Polish Physical Society, Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre, AstroCent, Polish Astronomical Society, NCBR, University of Warsaw, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw University of Technology, we are pleased to invite you to a meeting with two Nobel Laureates in Physics: Prof. Arthur McDonald, who was awarded in 2015 for his discovery of neutrino oscillations proving that neutrinos have mass, and Prof. Barry Barish, who was awarded in 2017 for his crucial contribution to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves.


During the meeting, the guests will share their insights and experiences from their encounters and readings with the scientific community and the general public.


The meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 22, at the AstroCeNT building at 4 Rektorska Street in Warsaw.

Anyone interested in astrophysics, physics and science in general is welcome to attend.

Those interested can register by February 21 at the following link: