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HORIBA LabRAM HR Evolution.

27 August 2022

The LabRAM HR Evolution system is ideally suited to both micro and macro measurements (Raman and photoluminescence), and offers advanced confocal imaging capabilities in 2D and 3D. Possible applications of micro-Raman spectroscopy are for example: chemical analysis of materials, structural analysis of molecules, determination of phases and compositions of compounds, analysis of mechanical stress, characterization of thin films, polymers, and biological samples. Our system specification: spectral range from 300 to 2100 nm (Si, InGaAs detectors), spectral range: 50-4000 cm-1, excitation lasers – 325, 473, 532, 633 nm and 4 diffraction gratings (150, 600, 1800, 2400 l/mm).


(joint lab UW – L-IMiF)

