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ESCG3 - ECCG7 Paris 2022

24 November 2021
It is a great pleasure to invite you to join the  3rd European School on Crystal Growth (ESCG3) and the  7th European Conference on Crystal Growth (ECCG7) to be held in  Paris, France, on  July 20-27, 2022.
The call for abstracts for ECCG7 is now open.
The conference program of ECCG7 will include 16 sessions covering the most advanced research in all topics of crystal growth phenomena, theory, experiments and applications, planned to be presented and discussed in three plenary lectures, about 30 invited talks, various oral presentations and poster sessions.For the first time, ECCG7 will implement three parallel sessions.
To discover Topics & Sessions, please  click here
To start your abstract submission, please  read our guidelines here
If you require any further assistance during the abstract submission, do not hesitate to contact us by email:  escg3-eccg7-paris2022@insight-outside.fr
Looking forward to meeting you in Paris,
The ESCG3 & ECCG7 organization committee


Abstract Submission:Opening: November, 22nd, 2021Deadline: April 15th, 2022

Early-Bird Registration:

Opening:  January 2022



> Website : https://www.escg3-eccg7-paris2022.insight-outside.fr/

For any other information, feel free to contact us:> General information: escg3-eccg7-paris2022@insight-outside.fr> Sponsorship & Exhibition: Matias.Velazquez@simap.grenoble-inp.fr