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"CREATING THE INDUSTRY OF TOMMOROW" - this is the motto of this year's Hannover Messe.

01 June 2022

The International Trade Fair for Innovative Industrial Technologies in Hannover is one of the world's largest events promoting advanced technologies and innovative solutions, including for the laser and photonics industries and the energy sector. The fair is attended by over 50,000 participants and more than 3,000 exhibitors from many countries around the world - including the ENSEMBLE³Centre of Excellence.


This year's edition of the show will be held from May 30 to June 2, 2022, with the theme "Let's create the industry of tomorrow."


Thanks to the invitation of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the ENSEMBLE³ Centre of Excellence has the opportunity to present oxide and semiconductor crystals and other materials for use in laser technology and photonic solutions. The solutions presented are the result of the project MAB, funded by the Foundation for Polish Science within the Intelligent Development Operational Programme (IEOP).


"Participation in the fair provides Polish exhibitors with an opportunity to win foreign orders, increase awareness of their brand and products, and attract investors. The crystals we're showcasing are attracting a lot of interest, especially from companies that manufacture lasers and semiconductor devices used in many areas of economic life, including medicine, energy and Industry 4.0." - Says Emil Tymicki, Ph.D., team leader of the ENSEMBLE³ Centre of Excellence's Functional Materials Laboratory, a representative of our department.