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Functional Materials Laboratory
Oxide Single Crystals Laboratory
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III-V Compound Semiconductors Laboratory
Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.
01-919 Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.
NIP 1182211096
KRS 0000858669
The Foundation for Polish Science has opened the call for proposals for the START competition, in which young researchers can win a grant for outstanding scientific achievements. The call is open until October 31 of this year.
The START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science is a prestigious award for the most talented young researchers. It can be applied for by scientists from all fields of science who are under 30 years old in the year of application.
In the competition for the scholarship, the quality and originality of the candidates' previous scientific work, as well as their most important research achievement, are evaluated above all.
In previous years, the annual individual scholarship amounted to PLN 28,000. The scholarship can be used for any purpose.
Awards are also made under the START programme.
Applications submitted in the START competition will also be considered in the Professor Barbara Skarga Scholarship competition. The grantee in this competition may be an individual whose research is distinguished by boldly crossing boundaries between different scientific fields, opening new research perspectives, and creating new value in science.
Since 2015, the Prof. Adam Sobiczewski Prize has also been awarded. It can be awarded to one or more laureates conducting high-quality research in the fields of mathematics, theoretical physics or astronomy.
In the 2023 competition, it will be possible for the second time to receive the Prof. Wacław Szybalski Distinction Scholarship, awarded for innovative achievements in biotechnology, genetics, or molecular biology, i.e., scientific fields practised by the benefactor.
The START programme also offers travel grants, i.e., funding for travel to a research centre abroad of the candidate's choice.
Detailed information about the programme can be found here: FNP.ORG