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2-nd International Nanoscale Analytics

21 December 2021

About this workshop:

neaspec invites you to join this exclusive four day event FREE OF CHARGE (including lunch, coffee breaks, workshop dinner and social events).

The workshop takes you through:

scientific talks on a variety of applications poster session a guided tour through our NanoFactory facility and a daytrip social event

During the workshop, you will benefit from:

Discussing the latest scientific results with leading experts, Better understanding of measurement principles & data analysis to help you prepare your results for publication, Contributing actively to the application development roadmap of our systems, Experiencing live the ease-of-use of our systems and learning about the latest technological developments, Direct access to neaspec engineers to discuss your specific questions.


 May 18, 2022  May 19, 2022  May 20, 2022  May 21, 2022


Wednesday | May 18, 2022

  Registration & coffee
09:00 – 09:10 Dr. Adrian Cernescu – Senior Application Engineer, attocube systems AG Opening Remarks Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand – CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, Spain Infrared nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy - emerging tools for physical and (bio)chemical nanoanalytics

Session 1

Synchrotron and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Chairman: Dr. Ferenc Borondics – SOLEIL Synchrotron, France Dr. Raul Freitas – Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Brazil Synchrotron IR nanospectroscopy at Sirius: current developments and perspectives Dr. Bernd Kästner – PTB Berlin, Germany Imaging of ferro- and antiferromagnetic domains using s-SNOM Dr. Hans Bechtel – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Probing frequency-dependent anisotropical responses with far-infrared synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy 

Coffee break 

Prof. Markus Raschke – University of Colorado, USA Ultrafast and broadband nano-spectroscopy of structure, coupling, and dynamics in functional molecular materials Prof. Mengkun Liu – Stony Brook University, USA Ultrabroadband s-SNOM and its machine learning Dr. Gianfelice Cinque – Diamond Light Source, UK Title tba. Dr. Markus A. Huber – University of Regensburg, Germany Ultrafast non-invasive polarization nanoscopy of interlayer transport in 2D heterostructures

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

Session 2

Emerging ApplicationsChairman: Prof. Valentyn Volkov - Center for Photonics and 2D Materials, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Prof. Yohannes Abate – University of Georgia, USA Title tba. Prof. Lukas M. Eng – TU Dresden, IAPP, Germany In-situ Kelvin-Probe Force Microscopy 4 s-SNOM – just fancy or really needed? Prof. Volker Deckert – Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany Title tba. Dr. Lars Mester – CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, Spain High-fidelity nano-FTIR spectroscopy by on-pixel normalization of signal harmonics Dr. Patryk Kusch – Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Applying dielectric disorder to image interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures Daniel Beitner – Tel Aviv University, Israel Near-field spectroscopy of emerging new 2D material platform allowing broadband optical tunability from the visible to long infrared

Coffee break

Session 3

Terahertz Applications Chairman: Dr. Fritz Keilmann – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Prof. Aleksandar Rakic – University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Advances and challenges in THz scattering SNOM Dr. Jean-Francois Lampin – IEMN-CNRS Lille, France Title tba. Dr. Eva Pogna – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy THz photocurrent nanoscopy Prof. Tyler Cocker – Michigan State University, USA Terahertz scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy on the atomic scale


Thursday | May 19, 2022

08:30 – 09:00 Coffee

Session 4

Bio and Medical Applications Chairman: Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand– CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, Spain

Dr. Fritz Keilmann – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Nano-aquarium - a new s-SNOM platform to observe live biological cells in action Prof. Andreas Barth – Stockholm University, Sweden Isotope-edition of nanoscale infrared images to distinguish chemically similar molecules - benefits for Alzheimer's disease research Dr. Aude Lereu – Institute Fresnel – CNRS, France Multimodal scattering near-field optical microscopy revealing plant cell walls physical and chemical properties Dr. Luca Quaroni – Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland Infrared spectroscopy of phospholipid bilayers: from extended samples to nanoscale structures Dr. Ulyana Shimanovich – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Structural transitions underpins the evolution of protein nanofibrils mechanics Dr. Rastislav Lagana – Technical University Zvolen, Slovakia The influence of cell wall composition on mechanics of natural poplar variants at nanoscale

Coffee break

Session 5

Polymer Applications Chairman: Prof. Magnus Johnson – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Prof. Achim Hartschuh – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany VIS-IR nanospectroscopy of novel organic solar cell materials Dr. Ognen Pop-Georgievski – Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic Infrared nanoscopy and nano-tomography of bioactive polymer brushes Dr. Monika Goikoetxea – CIC NanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain Cross-sectional chemical nanoimaging of composite polymer nanoparticles by infrared nanospectroscopy Prof. Szczepan Zapotoczny – Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland Nanostructure and surface dynamics of binary mixed polymer brushes as revealed by advanced scanning probe microscopies Dr. Nada Mrkyvkova – Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia Nanoimaging of orientational defects in semiconducting organic films Dr. Nikolay Kotov – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Detailed investigation of nanocellulosic materials with sSNOM Dr. Marcela Dendisova – University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech RepublicNanoscopic study of biomimetic polydopamine anchored layers
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

Session 6

2D Materials Applications Chairman: Prof. Thomas Taubner – RWTH Aachen University, Germany Dr. Pablo Alonso-González – University of Oviedo, Spain Visualization of anomalous reflection and refraction of polaritons at the nanoscale Dr. Antonio Ambrosio – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Near-field spectroscopy of transition metal dichalcogenides Prof. Siyuan Dai – Auburn University, USA Infrared nano-imaging of configured phonon polaritons Prof. Thomas Weitz – University Göttingen, Germany Novel quantum phases in few-layer graphene without Moiré Dr. William L. Wilson – Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard University Exploring nanoscale imaging of polariton dynamics in 2D materials Dr. Miriam S. Vitiello – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy Terahertz near-field nanoscopy of 1D and 2D nano materials Gergely Németh – Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary Title tba.

Coffee break

Session 7

Cryogenic Applications Chairman: Dr. Pablo Alonso-González – University of Oviedo, Spain Prof. Dmitri Baso v – Columbia University, USA Infrared nanoscopy at cryogenic temperatures Prof. Frank Koppens – ICFO, Barcelona, Spain Cryogenic photocurrent nanoscopy of twisted 2D materials Dr. Alexey Kuzmenko – University of Geneva, Switzerland Cryo-SNOM nano-FTIR spectroscopy of phonon-polaritons in oxides Dr. De-Bo Hu – National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China Probing hyperbolic phonon polaritons in vdW materials with cryogenic s-SNOM Dr. Alexander McLeod – University of Minnesota, USA Title tba. Prof. Khaled Karrai – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Title tba.
Evening Program  

Session 6

2D Materials Applications Chairman: Prof. Thomas Taubner – RWTH Aachen University, Germany Dr. Pablo Alonso-González – University of Oviedo, Spain Visualization of anomalous reflection and refraction of polaritons at the nanoscale Dr. Antonio Ambrosio – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy Near-field spectroscopy of transition metal dichalcogenides Prof. Siyuan Dai – Auburn University, USA Infrared nano-imaging of configured phonon polaritons Prof. Thomas Weitz – University Göttingen, Germany Novel quantum phases in few-layer graphene without Moiré Dr. William L. Wilson – Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard University Exploring nanoscale imaging of polariton dynamics in 2D materials Dr. Miriam S. Vitiello – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy Terahertz near-field nanoscopy of 1D and 2D nano materials Gergely Németh – Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary Title tba.

Coffee break

19:00 Dinner in traditional Bavarian restaurantLocation tba.


Friday | May 20, 2022

08:30 – 09:00 Coffee

Session 8

Inorganic Materials Applications Chairman: Dr. Raul Freitas – Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Brazil Prof. Magnus Johnson – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Nanoscale studies of atmospheric corrosion Prof. Jin-Chong Tan – University of Oxford, UK Probing metal-organic frameworks via infrared nanospectroscopy and Tip-Force microscopy Dr. Julian Barnett – RWTH Aachen, Germany Far-infrared near-field optical imaging and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of laser-crystallized and -amorphized phase change material Ge3Sb2Te6 Jonathan Larson – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Nano-FTIR of buried electrochemical energy storage interfaces and interphases Dr. Jean-Yves Chauleau – SPEC CEA Saclay, FranceObservation and manipulation of antiferromagnetic distributions in magneto- electric multiferroics

Coffee break

Session 9

Plasmonics and Metamaterials Applications Chairman: Prof. Markus Raschke, University of Colorado, USA Prof. Andrea Alu – CUNY, New York, USA Polaritonic metasurfaces Prof. Thomas Taubner – RWTH Aachen University, Germany Programmable nanophotonics materials Prof. Valentyn Volkov – Center for Photonics and 2D Materials, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia Anisotropic Nanophotonics with Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Dr. Vladimir Zenin – University of Southern Denmark, DenmarkAdvanced neaspec user: tips and tricks Prof. Sergey Stafeev – Samara University, Russia SNOM for investigation of tight focusing of laser light Dr. Andreas Tittl – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Tip coupling and array effects of gold nanoantennas in near-field microscopy
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break

Session 10

Poster SessionEquipment demonstrations and NanoFactory lab tours

neaspec traditional Friday get together @ NanoFactory terraceInformal discussions with beer & wine

Closing remarks

We are looking forward to fruitful discussions & to welcoming you in our new headquarters!


Saturday | May 21, 2022

Get together social event – Time for informal discussions and networkingto be announcedMeeting point neaspec HQ (Eglfinger Weg 2, 85540 Haar)


Travel information:

Your way to the workshop venue (Kleines Theater Haar)

Take the suburban train S4 or S6 (in direction Ebersberg, Grafing Bahnhof or Zorneding)

to Haar