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Functional Materials Technology Group
Optical Nanocharacterization Group
Inverse Materials Design Group
Next-Generation Energy Systems Group
Biophotonic Applications Group
Solar Energy Conversion Group
Oxide Single Crystals Group
A3B5 Compound Semiconductors Group
Functional Materials Laboratory
Oxide Single Crystals Laboratory
Materials Characterization Laboratory
III-V Compound Semiconductors Laboratory
Ensemble3 sp. z o.o.
01-919 Warsaw
133 Wólczyńska St.
NIP 1182211096
KRS 0000858669
Our team members Małgorzata Mroczkowska and Dr. Emil Tymicki greet you warmly from the Polish Pavilion, which was officially opened yesterday by Minister Wojciech Murdzek, State Secretary, Government Plenipotentiary for the Reform of the Functioning of Research Institutes, Ministry of Education and Science.
🤝 We invite you to meet with us and other Polish companies: CEZAMAT, Fluence.technology, Łukasiewicz - Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, QNA Technology, VIGO Photonics, XTPL, PPTF - Polish Technological Platform on Photonics and Cluster of Microlectronics, Electronic and Photonics and Aleet.
Our team presents oxide and semiconductor crystals and other materials developed for electronics, laser technology and photonics solutions.
Find us at:
📍 SEMICON Taiwan, Taipei,
TaiNEX1, 1F, J2546
The Poland Pavilion at #SEMICONTaiwan is organized by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), in partnership with Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A., Polski Fundusz Rozwoju S.A. (PFR), and the Łukasiewicz Research Network.