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πŸ“’ Invitation to E3 Seminar – Dr. Elsen Tjhung

19 October 2023

Join us tomorrow at E3 where we have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Elsen Tjhung from the Open University, UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§. He'll be diving deep into the realm of statistical physics of soft condensed matter and active matter.


πŸ“… Date: Tomorrow

⏰ Time: 1:30 p.m.

πŸ“ Location: Building 8 (1st Floor), Wolczynska Str. 133, IMIF

All are welcome to attend presentation! πŸ€“


πŸ“œ Talk Title: Analogies between growing dense active matter and soft driven glasses


We introduce a minimal model capturing the essence of growing dense active matter, including biological tissues, bacterial colonies, and biofilms. These are propelled by the delicate balance of particle division and steric repulsion. Through comprehensive numerical exploration, we dissect both collective and individual particle dynamics. The intriguing findings reveal a dynamic interplay between an affine radial component, stemming from global growth, and a nuanced non-affine component that mirrors the hallmarks of driven soft glassy substances. Characteristics like aging, unique time correlation function decays, and scale-based diffusive behavior are brought to light. Interestingly, at a microscopic level, particle division equates to global expansion, eerily reminiscent of shear flow in soft driven glasses. The overarching conclusion drawn is the inherent similarity in the underlying physics of growing dense active matter and sheared dense suspensions.


Mark your calendars and join us for this insightful discussion! πŸ“šπŸ”